Chad Baker Memorial Fund


To support education in Nemaha County schools. This may include assisting single parents in hard times with school lunches or purchasing academic materials and/or supplies. This fund is also used to support community projects.


“Chad was always giving to others,” widow Anna Baker shared. “He loved his family and the community, so by creating the Chad Baker Memorial Fund, his legacy of assisting those in need will continue.” The Chad Baker Memorial Fund was established with the Nemaha County STEP Foundation to support education in Nemaha County schools. This may include assisting single parents in hard times with school lunches or purchasing academic materials and/or supplies. “When Chad was in the hospital, I would share with the doctors, nurses, and staff all that the community was doing to support us, and they couldn’t understand. Some of them didn’t even know their neighbors. We are blessed to live in Nemaha County. I wasn’t raised here, but the community has welcomed me with open arms. Chad would have supported this opportunity to give back to others.”

Pictured Above: Chad Baker, with his children, Audrey and Henry

$12,163.00 received
in 7 gifts/match


P.O. Box 165
Seneca, KS 66538

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